Friday, October 16, 2009

Wheatgrass Juice: Benefits of Drinking Wheatgrass

The benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice or consuming other wheatgrass products such as wheatgrass powder, have shown to have some health benefits for many people. Wheatgrass typically refers to the common plants such as wheat, barely, oats, and other whole grains that are often used for making many of our foods available to use today. I often talk about the importance of eating whole grains when following the Lose Free Diet, so learning about wheatgrass and the benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice may be helpful to you.

Like everything I write about here, moderation is always key in seeing benefits and reducing risks. I would never suggest that someone go on a wheatgrass juice fast or anything of those sorts. Wheatgrass can however be used for a variety of things and introduced as a nice compliment to your meals and efforts to lose weight.

Many people do not even realize that wheatgrass juice and the many other products made from wheatgrass are even available, unless they happen to be lucky enough to live in an area rich with diverse cafes and juice bars that offer wheatgrass juice. Others may learn about wheatgrass from reading various health and medical journals about natural supplements one can take.

Wheatgrass however is commonly available and easy to find. You can find it in nutrition stores, online, and possibly even through local farmers markets, depending on your geographical location. Many people have even started growing their own wheatgrass, which can be done easily indoors much the same way people grow herbs and spices. It can be made into juice, or powders are available to use it in other foods and recipes.

The reason that many people believe wheatgrass can be beneficial for one to take is because wheatgrass is rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll, if you may remember from your science class as a child, is the pigment found in plants that gives it its rich green color. It is used in photosynthesis and is often compared to being like the “blood” of the plant. It is believed that chlorophyll provides many health benefits, and this is why wheatgrass is a popular source for reaping these benefits.

Here are some of the claimed benefits of using wheatgrass:

1. Repairs tissue damage in your body’s organs

2. Helps you body neutralize pollution and air irritants such as smoke, car exhaust, and other pollutants

3. Eliminates Body Odor and Bad Breath

4. Increases Energy

5. Can be helpful With Anemia

6. Restores/Improves Fertility

7. Can be used in conjuction with other treatments for long term illnesses such as cancer

8. Prevention of Tooth Decay and Dental Problems

9. Wheatgrass juice can be used as a skin cleanser

10. Increases red blood count

11. Lowers Blood Pressure

12. Beneficial Enzymes found in raw, uncooked wheatgrass

13. Aid in fighting bacterial infections

14. Can soothe sunburn

15. Neutralizes and Detoxifies Toxins Built Up in Our Bodies

Obviously, not all of these claims of the benefits of wheatgrass are scientifically proven. However, if you enjoy taking natural supplements in addition to your diet, there is really relatively little risk in trying wheatgrass juice or other supplements unless you have an allergy concern or overdo it with the wheatgrass and neglect to get other important nutrition. You can see how some of these benefits may also help in your efforts to lose weight. For example, having increased energy and oxygen in your bloodstream can help make your exercise routines more beneficial.

How is Wheatgrass Taken?

The most popular form to take wheatgrass, and also claimed to be the most beneficial, is extracting juice from the plant and drinking it. There are many Wheatgrass juicers available, ranging from just $30 for basic juicers to $110 for more advanced juicers. They are for the most part easy to clean, easy to store, and easy to use.

If drinking wheatgrass juice or extracting it yourself is not your thing, you can also take it in the form of Wheatgrass Powder, though it is not believed to be as effective as the natural juice extracts.

Where Can I get Wheatgrass?

The best thing to do first if you are new to wheatgrass is to try it at a juicebar near you if you can. Since not all areas have juice bars, this may be difficult. In that case you can decide to try wheatgrass juice available from

If you’ve had the chance to try it already and like it, and know it is something you’d like to drink more of on your own, then growing it yourself with a wheatgrass kit. Some kits have juicers included with them, or you can choose to purchase the seeds and juicer separately.

Now that you’ve had a chance to learn about what wheatgrass is and the possible benefits of drinking wheatgrass juice, I hope you’ll take the opportunity to at least try it, since trying different foods and drinks will always help keep your diet on track and full of variety so you never become bored. Who knows? You may even find yourself growing your own wheatgrass and owning your very own wheatgrass juicer!


1 comment:

  1. Interesting article on how to lose weight with wheatgrass. Thank you for sharing it!

    Jared Balis, Owner
